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Home Care with the Highest Standards
Serving Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens
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Resources for clients and families

Alzheimer’s Association — NYC Chapter
The New York City Chapter offers confidential assistance for family members, caregivers, professionals, and those with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Services include a 24-hour hotline, education and training, support groups, and early stage assistance. >

CaringKind* is New York City’s leading expert on Alzheimer’s and dementia caregiving. With over 30 years of experience, we work directly with our community partners to develop the information, tools and training to support individuals and families affected by dementia. >

DOROT — Enhancing the Lives of the Elderly and Bringing Generations Together
DOROT is an innovative leader in mobilizing volunteers of all ages to improve the lives of the elderly. DOROT programs match volunteers with seniors for weekly visits, to accompany shopping trips or medical appointments, to provide holiday meals, and provide other services. >

Pacific Medical Training — Medical Learning Library
Pacific Medical Training is dedicated to creating online emergency education solutions for today’s healthcare professionals. They identified the need for web-based emergency certification and recertification programs and set out to create what we feel are the best overall courses available today for Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support. >
Penn South Live Program For Seniors (PSPS)
Penn South Live, a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC), is a co-op with programs and services for the seniors who make up over 70% of its residents. PSPS offers social and health services, educational and cultural programs, and referral for legal and mental health services. >

Senior Guidance
Senior Guidance provides a number of helpful resources and articles on aging, senior care, mental health, dementia, Alzheimer’s, caregiving and more. In addition, they enable seniors and caregivers to search and find 50,000+ long-term care facilities across every city, town and county in the United States.

Transportation Resource Guide for Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities
According to USAging, the national association for Area Agencies on Aging, approximately 600,000 older adults give up driving each year. This transition can create challenges for aging or ill loved ones, making it harder for them to attend medical appointments, shop for necessities, visit family, or participate in social events. Consequently, this increased isolation negatively impacts their health and well- being.